What is Bocouture?
Bocouture is a popular choice by patients, under the age of 65, to remove the vertical frown lines in between their eyebrows. Constant frowning is caused by muscular contraction which is difficult for patients to control or prevent by themselves.
How does Bocouture work in the body?
Bocouture helps to relax muscles, by initially blocking the nerve impulses. Bocouture is injected into the muscle area to relax muscles by preventing the constant contraction of them. This effect is reversible and temporary and requires further treatments to maintain its longevity, making it a safe option for patients who choose this medicine.
The desired results enable patients to feel psychologically comfortable with their appearances and emotional wellbeing.
When will results first start to be visible?
Improvement is observed between 2-3 days, however full effects can be seen on day 30.
How long will the result last?
Effects can last for up to 4 months following treatment, hence Bocouture being a temporary reversible solution for many patients.
Bocouture (2x100 units)
A simple reversible solution to eliminate vertical frown lines between the eyebrows, resulting in a significant positive psychologically impact on the patients wellbeing.
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